Much like it’s sister community Newhalen, Kokhanok is rich with many natural resources such as trophy sport fish and world-class bear hunting all throughout the area. Whether your destination is the beautiful islands of Intricate Bay and Kokhanok Bay, the plentiful waters of Gibraltar creek and lake, or Dream Creek for trophy class trout, Kokhanok lands will not disappoint your adventure.
Kokhanok was first listed in the US Census in 1890 by A. B. Schanz. The community is a rich melting pot of various Alaska Native cultures from around the area that includes Sugpiaq (Alutiiq), Yup’ik and Dena’Ina first peoples.
Kokhanok is located on the south shore Iliamna Lake- 22 miles south of Iliamna and 88 miles northwest of King Salmon. APC owns 90,566 acres around Kokhanok.
According to the census of 2000, 174 people were residing in Kokhanok, 52 households and 40 families with a population density of 8.2 people per square mile. Of those 174 people 8.05% were white, 86.78% were Alaska Native/Native American, 1.15% were other, 4.02% were of two or more races and 1.15% were Hispanic or Latino of any race. Kokhanok is a predominant mixture of Yupik and Aleut (Sugpiaq) people.
To learn more about Kokhanok, purchasing a land use permit or connecting with our partner recreational vendors, contact Lands and Resources management at (907)274-2433.